The Soul Exchange talk music technology and industry with MusitrendZ
Do you think that how much you receive for fans streaming your music is fair ?
Hans – A definite NO.
Daniel – No.
What changes would you like to see in the music industry ?
Hans – More variation of genres, and more long term thinking than just the next single.
Daniel – Less greed. More long-term thinking.
What instruments, equipment, recording and production gear do you use ?
Benny – Ludvig drums, Zildjan cymbals
Hans – Gibson Les Paul, Fender Stratocaster and Ibanez guitars, Line 6 Helix effect rack/pedal board, Mesa Boogie Roadster amp.
Patrik – Fender Jazz Bass, SansAmp tech 21 version ll effect rack, Ampeg amp & speaker
Thomas – Gibson Les Paul guitars, Line 6 Helix effect rack/pedal board, Ibanez amp.
What’s the best studio you have ever recorded in ?
Hans – Soundtrade Studio in Stockholm.
Daniel – That would be the EMI studio 1.
Who’s your fave all time music producer ?
Hans – Difficult to tell, but Bob Ezrin is definitely one of my favourite producers.
Drum machine or real drummer ?
Hans – Real drummer any time.
Daniel – Sometimes the mix of both are preferable.
Do you prefer recording to live work ?
Hans – As much as I love recording and work in the studio, the interaction and instant reward you get from a live audience is hard to top. But it is two different worlds, and wouldn’t like to be without any of them.
Daniel – Balance is all.
Mervilton Records recording artist The Soul Exchange is a band that has constructed a new alchemy from the rock solid foundation of the 70’s hard rock scene.
They have taken this influence into the new millennium and have created their own unique style of metal infused modern guitar driven hard rock with great attention to the melodies and grand vocal arrangements.
The Soul Exchange was founded in 2013 by guitarist Hans von Bell, drummer Benny White and guitarist Thomas von Bell.
In 2014 the trio was joined by vocalist Erik Olofsson and Tobias Chevalier (vocals keyboards etc). The band enjoyed success with their eponymous debut album “The Soul Exchange” produced by the seasoned rock producer and studio engineer Mats “Limpan” Lindfors released on January 20th 2015.
In 2016 the band underwent some personnel changes with Daniel John joining founding members Hans & Thomas von Bell as new vocalist and also bringing in Benny White on drums and Patrik “Patte” Ekel on bass making up the present line up of The Soul Exchange.
With the new line up the band has moved into a new direction both musically and image wise with a different modern sound and stage image. The Soul Exchange now releases their 2nd full length album ‘Bloodbound’ produced by the renowned Swedish producer Magnus “Tank” Ljungqvist on the Mervilton Records.
‘Bloodbound’ is a much darker and modern sounding effort than the debut. The band claims that “this is a new era of The Soul Exchange” and that “Soul Exchange have found its sound on the 2nd release and this will be the formula going forward.
Modern hard rock with a great portion of metal influences and most importantly the vocal arrangements and melodies are having a major focus in The Soul Exchanges otherwise riff oriented music”.
The phrase “It is the sound of a new world being born and the louder sound of an old world being destroyed” has never been more relevant than for the new album by The Soul Exchange !
The brand new single from ‘The Soul Exchange’ is entitled ‘Life Eternal’ and is out now.